So as i told before there are many drones out there witch one with a purpose.
lets start by the training drones!
On witch case should you buy a training drone? Its easy! lets go for these tree simple steps.
- 1st - Your age
- 2nd - Have you flight any other flying apparel?
- 3nd - Do you have a good finger sensitivity?
1st - The age of the "target"(drone user) could be very important, nevertheless there are different situations.
The user should have a minimum of 14 years old to fly, that fact exists just because of our way of understanding sensitivity.
Imagine this, you are a 8 year old kid and everything is happening fast, you only want to see things moving and have no patience at all. So you have an adult telling you to move the joysticks of the controller very gently, but as you don't understand the concept of gentle or slowly you wont have any control on what you are doing, and you will end up having a bad experience.
2nd - Imagining that you are an adult and want to start flying drones you should question yourself about various aspects.
Those should be: Have i flight any apparel before?
Am i confident about myself?
Am i a patient person?
The process of flying its not that complicated, but you must have in mind that it can be easy for your friends and difficult for you.
You should be confident and shouldn't be afraid of breaking your drone.
You must have patience, there is a process of learning, even if it seems just a toy.
3rd - You should have sensibility in your fingers, know your controller well.
It can vary from controller but it will be the same way of flying after all.
Next time i will post some training drones and will give the basic steps to start flying with security and fun.